Ahoy, ye! Join Gator Humans versus Zombies at the University o’ Florida on July 30th ‘n 31th fer our next Summer Invitational, HvZ on the Seven Seas. This here event be open to all, so we look forward to seein’ ye join our crew.
Pre-Register wit’ the form below to let us know ye’re comin’, ‘n to receive information ‘n updates through yer email as we release ’em.
Rules Meetings Info:
Wednesday, 7/28 – 7pm
Thursday, 7/29 – 7pm
Friday, 7/30 – 3pm
Zoom Link: https://ufl.zoom.us/j/92919042837
Mission Schedule (Time and Location subject to change upon planning and weather):
7pm Friday July 30th: Mission 1 Briefing
12am Saturday July 31st: Mission 2 Briefing
1pm Saturday July 31st: Mission 3 Briefing
7pm Saturday July 31st: Mission 4 Briefing
Our Safety Rules be as follows:
- All blasters must be under 130 fps ‘n follow our Blaster Modifications Guide. Moderators will check modded blasters on our chronograph durin’ mission 1 briefin’. If ye do not have yer owns blaster ye can mark that on yer registration ‘n we shall provide ye wit’ a loaner.
- We shall do a full safety ‘n gameplay overview at our mandatory rules meetings, which will be held the week afore the game ‘n more details will be released soon. Ye only needs to attend one in order to play.
- Ye must bring a photo ID to the event so we can check that ye ‘ave registered. Ye will either ‘ave to show yer status as cleared to return to campus (fer UF students), yer covid vaccine log card, or a negative COVID test when ye check in.
- Masks be optional at our game, but recommended for those without the COVID vaccine.
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